Lord Of All Realms Spoilers
Realms of Tolkien is a sequel to Tolkien's World: Paintings of Middle-Earth. It's a rather strange and extremely varied mix that features art by the three Tolkien greats: Alan Lee, John Howe, and Ted Nasmith. Along with them are paintings by other artists, ranging from half-decent to just plain bad! Alan Lee is my favourite artist ever. Steam Workshop: Imperator: Rome. An early access 0.15.BETA. for a total overhaul Lord of the Rings mod set in the mid Third Age (1300), right after the return of Sauron to Dol Guldur and the rise of the realm of Angmar in the north.

Lord Of The Rings Online
Number | Title | Type | Culture |
3R1 | •Book of Mazarbul | Possession | Dwarven |
3U2 | •Gimli's Pipe | Possession • Pipe | Dwarven |
3R3 | Mines of Khazad-Dum | Condition | Dwarven |
3U4 | A Royal Welcome | Condition | Dwarven |
3U5 | Song of Durin | Condition | Dwarven |
3C6 | Storm of Argument | Event | Dwarven |
3U7 | •Arwen, Elven Rider | Companion • Elf | Elven |
3R8 | •Arwen, Lady Undomiel | Companion • Elf | Elven |
3U9 | Beren and Luthien | Condition | Elven |
3U10 | •Calaglin, Elf of Lorien | Ally • Home 6 • Elf | Elven |
3C11 | Cast It Into the Fire! | Event | Elven |
3U12 | •Dinendal, Silent Scout | Ally • Home 6 • Elf | Elven |
3R13 | •Elrond, Herald to Gil-galad | Ally • Home 3 • Elf | Elven |
3C14 | •Erestor, Chief Advisor to Elrond | Ally • Home 3 • Elf | Elven |
3R15 | Forests of Lothlorien | Condition | Elven |
3C16 | Friends of Old | Event | Elven |
3R17 | •Galadriel, Lady of the Golden Wood | Ally • Home 6 • Elf | Elven |
3U18 | •Galdor, Councilor From the West | Ally • Home 3 • Elf | Elven |
3R19 | •Gift of the Evenstar | Condition | Elven |
3U20 | •Golradir, Councilor of Imladris | Ally • Home 3 • Elf | Elven |
3R21 | •Long-knives of Legolas | Possession • Hand Weapon | Elven |
3C22 | Master of Healing | Event | Elven |
3R23 | •Nenya | Artifact | Elven |
3U24 | •Phial of Galadriel | Possession | Elven |
3U25 | •Saelbeth, Elven Councilor | Ally • Home 3 • Elf | Elven |
3U26 | Something Draws Near | Event | Elven |
3R27 | •Vilya | Artifact | Elven |
3C28 | Voice of Nimrodel | Event | Elven |
3R29 | Betrayal of Isengard | Condition | Gandalf |
3C30 | Deep in Thought | Event | Gandalf |
3C31 | Depart Silently | Event | Gandalf |
3C32 | Fireworks | Event | Gandalf |
3C33 | His First Serious Check | Event | Gandalf |
3R34 | •Narya | Artifact | Gandalf |
3U35 | Trust Me as You Once Did | Condition | Gandalf |
3C36 | Unknown Perils | Condition | Gandalf |
3C37 | Answering the Cries | Condition | Gondor |
3R38 | •Aragorn, Heir to the White City | Companion • Man | Gondor |
3R39 | Banner of the White Tree | Event | Gondor |
3R40 | Citadel of Minas Tirith | Condition | Gondor |
3R41 | Gondor Bowmen | Condition | Gondor |
3R42 | •Horn of Boromir | Possession | Gondor |
3C43 | Might of Numenor | Event | Gondor |
3R44 | •The Shards of Narsil | Artifact | Gondor |
3U45 | Some Who Resisted | Event | Gondor |
3U46 | Still Sharp | Event | Gondor |
3U47 | Voice of Rauros | Event | Gondor |
3C48 | We Must Go Warily | Event | Gondor |
3C49 | Abandoning Reason for Madness | Event | Isengard |
3R50 | Can You Protect Me From Yourself? | Event | Isengard |
3C51 | Coming for the Ring | Event | Isengard |
3R52 | A Fell Voice on the Air | Condition | Isengard |
3U53 | Hate and Anger | Event | Isengard |
3R54 | Hollowing of Isengard | Condition | Isengard |
3C55 | Isengard Axe | Possession • Hand Weapon | Isengard |
3C56 | Isengard Forger | Minion • Orc | Isengard |
3U57 | Isengard Retainer | Minion • Orc | Isengard |
3U58 | Isengard Servant | Minion • Orc | Isengard |
3C59 | Isengard Shaman | Minion • Orc | Isengard |
3U60 | Isengard Smith | Minion • Orc | Isengard |
3U61 | Isengard Warrior | Minion • Orc | Isengard |
3C62 | Isengard Worker | Minion • Orc | Isengard |
3C63 | One of You Must Do This | Event | Isengard |
3R64 | •Orc Commander | Minion • Orc | Isengard |
3R65 | •Orc Overseer | Minion • Orc | Isengard |
3R66 | •Orthanc Berserker | Minion • Uruk-Hai | Isengard |
3R67 | •The Palantir of Orthanc | Artifact | Isengard |
3R68 | •Saruman, Keeper of Isengard | Minion • Wizard | Isengard |
3C69 | •Saruman, Servant of the Eye | Minion • Wizard | Isengard |
3C70 | Servants to Saruman | Event | Isengard |
3R71 | Tower of Orthanc | Condition | Isengard |
3U72 | Trapped and Alone | Condition | Isengard |
3U73 | The Trees Are Strong | Event | Isengard |
3C74 | Uruk Raider | Minion • Uruk-Hai | Isengard |
3U75 | Uruk Ravager | Minion • Uruk-Hai | Isengard |
3C76 | Dangerous Gamble | Event | Moria |
3R77 | Depths of Moria | Condition | Moria |
3C78 | Hide and Seek | Event | Moria |
3U79 | Malice | Event | Moria |
3R80 | Such a Little Thing | Event | Moria |
3R81 | Gates of the Dead City | Condition | Wraith |
3U82 | News of Mordor | Event | Wraith |
3U83 | •The Ring Draws Them | Condition | Wraith |
3C84 | They Will Never Stop Hunting You | Event | Wraith |
3R85 | Too Great and Terrible | Event | Wraith |
3U86 | •Ulaire Otsea, Ringwraith in Twilight | Minion • Nazgul | Wraith |
3C87 | The Dark Lord Advances | Event | Sauron |
3U88 | Get Off the Road! | Event | Sauron |
3U89 | Gleaming in the Snow | Event | Sauron |
3C90 | Hand of Sauron | Event | Sauron |
3R91 | His Cruelty and Malice | Condition | Sauron |
3U92 | Massing in the East | Event | Sauron |
3R93 | Morgul Slayer | Minion • Orc | Sauron |
3C94 | Orc Butcher | Minion • Orc | Sauron |
3C95 | Orc Guard | Minion • Orc | Sauron |
3U96 | Orc Pillager | Minion • Orc | Sauron |
3U97 | Orc Slayer | Minion • Orc | Sauron |
3C98 | Orc Swordsman | Minion • Orc | Sauron |
3R99 | Orc Trooper | Minion • Orc | Sauron |
3U100 | Orc Veteran | Minion • Orc | Sauron |
3C101 | Orc Warrior | Minion • Orc | Sauron |
3R102 | •Our List of Allies Grows Thin | Condition | Sauron |
3R103 | Terrible as the Dawn | Event | Sauron |
3R104 | Tower of Barad-dur | Condition | Sauron |
3R105 | Why Shouldn't I Keep It? | Event | Sauron |
3U106 | •Bill the Pony | Possession | Shire |
3U107 | •Frodo's Pipe | Possession • Pipe | Shire |
3C108 | Frying Pan | Possession • Hand Weapon | Shire |
3C109 | Meant to Be Alone | Event | Shire |
3R110 | •Melilot Brandybuck, Merry Dancer | Ally • Home 1 • Hobbit | Shire |
3C111 | •Old Noakes, Purveyor of Wisdoms | Ally • Home 1 • Hobbit | Shire |
3C112 | Seek and Hide | Event | Shire |
3R113 | The Shire Countryside | Condition | Shire |
3C114 | Three Monstrous Trolls | Condition | Shire |
3U115 | Caras Galadhon | Site | Site |
3U116 | Eregion Hills | Site | Site |
3C117 | Gates of Argonath | Site | Site |
3C118 | The Great River | Site | Site |
3U119 | House of Elrond | Site | Site |
3U120 | Wastes of Emyn Muil | Site | Site |
3P121 | •Legolas, Son of Thranduil | Companion • Elf | Elven |
3P122 | •Boromir, Defender of Minas Tirith | Companion • Man | Gondor |
3M1 | •Arwen, Elven Rider (M) | Companion • Elf | Elven |
3M2 | Hand of Sauron (M) | Event | Sauron |